Seytmetova Zhanetta Raimbekovna, born in 1962, Ph.D., senior lecturer, Department of Middle East and South Asia, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. He has been working at this department since September 2007. He teaches various lecture courses in the specialties of “translation business”, “foreign philology”, and “oriental studies”. Since 1999 to 2007 worked as a teacher, senior teacher at the Department of Contemporary Oriental Languages, Faculty of International Relations, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Seytmetova J.R. in 1984 graduated from the Arabic department of the philological faculty of KazSU. By specialty philologist, teacher of Arabic, Kazakh languages ​​and literature. In 1985-1991. internship, then studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow). 1991-1993 worked as an assistant in the department of Arabic philology, faculty of oriental studies. She underwent language training in Morocco (1993), Egypt (1999). In order to increase the level of knowledge of the Arabic language in 1993-1999. She worked as a translator in an Egyptian company and the Embassy of Egypt in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has extensive experience working with various official delegations as a translator. In 1994 accompanied the official delegation as a translator during the visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.translator of the Minister of Awqaf of Egypt at the CICA summit in Almaty, 2002); In 2013, she accompanied the delegation of KazNU named after al-Farabi headed by the rector of the university to Jordan as an interpreter.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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